1.14 | plural in Greek ~ part 1
In this episode we’ll teach you everything you need to know about articles. How to know if they are masculine, feminine of neuter. How to make them plural. By the end of this episode you will know what rules to…
In this episode we’ll teach you everything you need to know about articles. How to know if they are masculine, feminine of neuter. How to make them plural. By the end of this episode you will know what rules to…
In the previous episode, we discussed the plural in Greek. Let me quickly recap what we’ve learned in part one, and then we will move on to some new information. Revision Neutral words: το Σαββατοκύριακο – τα Σαββατοκύριακα το παιδί – τα…
This is a very interactive episode, where you will get the chance to test all of your knowledge so far! Yiuli is going to ask Ellis to translate sentences to Greek. As always, we have added a pause, so you…
In this episode you will learn how to order drinks in Greek. Along with these new words, you will also learn about some cultural differences that Ellis noticed when she went to Greece to order a coffee. The words you…
Useful Vocabulary Useful phrases Like our podcast? You can support us by buying a coffee!
In today’s episode, we will learn useful vocabulary and phrases so you can start asking and giving directions. Useful vocabulary: Πού ειναι… το σούπερ-μάρκετ/ το μουσείο/ το φαρμακείο/ το εστιατόριο/ το μπανιο/ η τουαλέτα/ το πάρκο/ το κέντρο/ ο σταθμός/…
In this episode you will learn how to make plans with your friends in Greek! We will teach you the following vocabulary: τι κάνεις αυτό το Σαββατοκύριακο; έχεις χρόνο το Σάββατο; έχεις χρόνο αύριο / απόψε; έχω ένα ραντεβού ελεύθερος,…
Useful words & phrases for this episode: η βοήθεια βοηθάω το ζώο/ τα ζώα χρειάζομαι ζητάω η χάρη ρωτάω η ερώτηση απαντάω η απάντηση έχω μια ερώτηση Μπορώ να σε ρωτήσω κάτι; (formal: Να σε ρωτήσω κάτι;) Μπορώ να σας…
In this episode you will learn words to describe someone. We will give you both words to describe someone physically and characteristically. You will also learn how to compare in Greek. you will learn the following words:ψηλός / -ή /…
Today’s episode is devoted to emotions and feelings. We will learn helpful vocabulary to help you express your feelings in Greek. Also, here’s a video in slow Greek from Yiuli’s channel, which uses simple examples to help you comprehend the words. Vocabulary:…
In today’s episode we will teach you how to express your opinion in Greek. You will learn the following phrases: Like our podcast? You can support us by buying a coffee!
We are already in episode 25! Can you believe it? You’ve learned so many things this year: You can talk about yourself, your feelings, your job, and your interests. You can form questions and negative sentences, express likes and dislikes,…
Right before Christmas, we made one more episode to teach you festive words! You will learn the following words: τα Χριστούγεννα – Καλά Χριστούγεννα! η Πρωτοχρονιά / Καλή Πρωτοχρονιά! ο Άγιος Βασίλης το δώρο το δέντρο το στολίδι τα φωτάκια…