1.01 | Introduction

In this episode you will learn how to introduce yourself and say where you are from. We also teach you some important things you need to know about the Greek language. You’ll learn the following phrases: Like our podcast? You…

1.02 | Introducing yourself

In this episode you will learn how to introduce yourself and say where you are from. We also teach you some important things you need to know about the Greek language. You’ll learn the following phrases: Nαι / Όχι Γεια…

1.03 | Greek Survival Phrases ~ part I

In this episode, you’ll learn the following phrases:  We also give you a few pronunciation tips and explain how questions are formed in Greek. Like our podcast? You can support us by buying a coffee! 

1.04 | Greek survival phrases ~ part 2

In today’s episode, we learn more about the formal forms in Greek. You also learn the following phrases: συγγνώμη μιλάω λίγο ελληνικά τι σημαίνει αυτο; πώς λέτε ….. στα ελληνικά; να σε ρωτήσω κατι; φυσικά! Like our podcast? You can…

1.05 | Likes & Dislikes

In today’s episode we will learn how to express likes and dislikes in Greek. μου αρέσει μου αρέσει να διαβάζω μου αρέσει να κάνω γυμναστική μου αρέσει  να πηγαίνω στο σινεμά (στον κινηματογράφο) η φωτογραφία ο κινηματογράφος γράφω σου αρέσει…

1.06 | Talking about jobs

In this episode you will learn how to talk about your job and ask someone what they do for living. You’ll learn the following phrases: είμαι δασκάλα/ δάσκαλος είμαι μαθητής/ μαθήτρια τι δουλειά κάνεις; ειμαι νοσηλεύτρια / νοσηλευτής δουλεύω σε…

1.07| Revision episode

This episode is a small revision of what we’ve already learned together. Every beginner should master these ten important verbs: ειμαι, κάνω, μιλάω, καταλαβαίνω, μαθαίνω, ρωτάω, διαβάζω, ξυπνάω, δουλευω and πηγαινω If you can’t recall all of them, no worries…

1.08 | Conjugating verbs ~ part 1

Today we are going to give you an introduction to verb conjugation. In this episode we will point out what to pay attention to and give you some useful tips to make this easy. We will conjugate the verbs of…

1.09 | Conjugating verbs ~ part 2

In today’s episode, we will learn Group B and share some tips on acquiring new vocabulary. Verbs like μιλάω (to speak), ξυπνάω (to wake up), and ρωτάω (to ask) belong to the second group, and we conjugate them differently. Here’s…

1.10 | Forming sentences

In this episode we are connecting the dots and we are going to make sentences! Now that you’ve learned some important verbs and nouns, we will teach you some adjectives, so that we can glue a sentence together. It’s important…

1.11 | Building your arsenal

In this episode, we will build our vocabulary by learning time-related words.  The learning part is divided into three sections. The first one is about numbers from 1-12. Even though learning numbers is generally the most boring part when it comes to Greek,…

1.12 | Asking questions

In today’s episode, we are going over the question words in Greek: τι πού πόσος, πόση, πόσο πώς ποιος, ποια, ποιο πότε γιατί After that, we will answer the most commonly asked questions when you are learning Greek: Γιατί μαθαίνεις…

1.13 | Family members

In this episode, we will talk about family. In textbooks, family is one of the very first topics, but we thought we should cover some general vocabulary, such as asking questions or some basic verbs.  Useful vocabulary  Like our podcast? You can…